A while ago, on a night out, I realised that what had happened in the past, every single life changing incident, doesn't necessarily have to affect the thoughts and choices I make today, and I think that's a really positive change in my mindset for my current and future selves.
D-6 to Korea, and it is surreallllll to think that this time next week, I would be back in the hostel from strolling down Haeundae beach with two wonderful people, with cozy jackets on and our feet digging into the sand. The thought of it gives me such joy and thrill.
Close my eyes, open them
I've just done graduation
Close my eyes and open them again
I'm on vacation
Thrice, closed and open
I'm back under pressure
Life's such. Especially life here. But yknow, let's live in thr moment, shall we?
I'll be updating more often with my trip coming up!!! Here's to less empty blogs and more interesting stories /clink